FreshmealPlan’s Ambassador Athlete

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Marlosway Basic Meal Plan:

Day #1)
Breakfast-3/4 C 2% cottage cheese. Calorie-free beverage of choice (ie, coffee, tea, seltzer, or
water with lemon) 5 whole wheat crackers.

Lunch- Nut butter and jelly sandwich (2 slices whole-wheat bread with 2 tablespoons {Tbsp} natural,
chunky peanut butter or other nut butter and 1 {Tbsp} all fruit spread) 1 Medium apple, Calorie-free
beverage of choice

Dinner- 3 ounce (oz) boneless chicken breasts, broiled or grilled, seasoned with any dried herb mix 5-
inch baked potato, topped with 1 teaspoon (tsp) unsalted butter, seasoned with cinnamon 2 C tossed
field greens, 1/4 grated carrots, and 1/4 C sun-dried tomatoes drizzled with 1 Tbsp olive oil-based
vinaigrette dressing Calorie-free beverage of choice

Snack-6 oz low-fat Greek yogurt (favorite flavor) Calorie-free beverage of choice

Marlosway 1600 Calorie Meal Plan:

8am – Oatmeal ,Egg whites, Cap tri / 25g-100g-1tbsp /Calories=262 Protein=15g Fat=1.85 Carbs=17.85

11am – Cod, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cap tri/100g-150g-1tbsp/Calories=290 Protein 31g Fat=.55 Carbs=6.1

2pm – Chicken Breast, Green Beans, Zucchini, Cap tri/150g-200g-1tbsp/Calories=355 Protein 40g Fat 3.25
Carbs 15g

5pm – Haddock,Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cap tri/100g-200g-1tbsp/Calories=331 Protein=40g Fat=.6 Carbs 6

7pm – Chicken Breast, Green Beans, Zucchini, Cap tri/150g-200g-Calories=353 Protein=39g Fat=3.25g Carbs14g

Daily Totals: 1595 Calories -166g protein 9.5g fat -58g carbohydrates 597 mg sodium 5016 potassium
*Can follow Diet 6-8wks =Results

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